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Contacting Plaidswede

If you would like Plaidswede to consider your book, please send the traditional query and a chapter or two (NOT the complete manuscript) to:


Plaidswede Publishing Co.

PO Box 269

Concord NH 03302-0269


or e-mail to:


Who We Are

Plaidswede Publishing Co. is family-owed and operated by George L. Geers and daughters Suzy Geers and Kelly Landine. It is a traditional book publisher specializing in New Hampshire and New England books.

We created NH Booksellers to sell Plaidswede's books online, but expanded to provide the service to small, independent and self-publishers.

For information on how to sell your book on this site, contact George at

Why Plaidswede?
Scottish mother. Viking father. Celtic daughters.We started out as Scythe Hill Press, but few knew what a “scythe” is or how to pronounce it. While Scythe Hill Press is a great New England name,

most people didn’t remember it.

When we say, “Plaidswede (Plaid Swede),” people smile – and remember. Our selections here and in the future are as different and varied as the interests of our editor and publisher, George Geers, a former newspaper editor who has edited daily newspapers in New Hampshire (Nashua and

Dover), Massachusetts (Southbridge) and Connecticut (Willimantic). George works with writers and journalists and remains active in the newspaper business. He is clerk of the Academy of

New England Journalists and its Yankee Quill award and a founding board member of the New England First Amendment Coalition. was launched for authors and publishers to sell their work online, at modest cost, and to reap less-than-modest publicity.


You do not need to be a Plaidswede author, to participate in NHBooksellers.

To find out more about NH Booksellers, contact George at:

603 226-1020


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