Walk Tall, Carry Big Watering Can, B Elwin Sherman
From Plaidswede's New England Columnist Series, this collection by New Hampshire humorist B. Elwin Sherman is subtitled, New Hampshire Humor and Other Foregone Conclusions.
What do women umpires, men in tubs, radioactive cereals, puppy shampoos, unborn grandchildren, heart attacks, a pounce of cats, frost heaves, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, bad diets, chainsaw etiquette, family vacations, flying pigs and bicycle tossing have in common?
B. Elwin Sherman writes about all so you don't get caught short the next time someone asks you that at a party.
Sample chapters:
Bowhunting on a Treadmill
Go Easy, Wryder, Heavy Petting Ahead
They Flying Pig Whirligig, and Other Bargains
The Other Robert Frost
Democrats and the Denver Boot